Express Entry immigration program

Post by : Admin on Aug 25,2021

Reasons Why Express Entry Immigration Programs Are So Famous!

The express entry program streamlines the immigration system. It provides an opportunity for skilled workers to get a permanent residence, it also reduces the immigration processing time, and helps for other visa-related works.   

The Express Entry immigration program can review the education, language ability, work experience, and skills of a person. Thus, it helps to select candidates depending on the economic need of Canada. 

Canada processes thousands of immigration applications every year through this entry program.  This program is in demand overseas, and these days it signifies the main driver of immigration to Canada. 

Let’s check it out what this program has to offer !

How does the Express entry program work? 

Candidates must be eligible for one of these immigration programs given below, to be an applicant for permanent residents through this express entry system: 

  • The Federal Skilled Worker Class (FSWC)
  • The Federal Skilled Trades Class (FSTC)
  • The Canadian Experience Class (CEC)


Advantages of the Express Entry program 

This program is popular due to their various benefits and wide range of applications. Here are some advantages of this program: 

Faster application process

People can get their permanent resident (PR) visa within six months or less, with the express entry immigration program.   

In the case of a paper-based application system, people faced several obstacles and delays in the work process. Sometimes documents are getting lost or misplaced in the transition of a paper-based process. So, different types of working delays are decreased with this express entry program, and this is a highly efficient process to get a permanent resident visa. 

Federal immigration system

The system of express entry is a federal system of immigration. Therefore, people who receive an invitation can apply directly to be the permanent resident of Canada. 

After getting the visa through this express entry one can settle in Canada, even without proficiency in French. 

Benefits for permanent residents 

One can get several benefits with permanent residency in Canada. A permanent Canadian visa allows working or living anywhere in Canada. 

Moreover, people can enjoy various social benefits like free education for their children, health care facilities, and so on. 

You can also get retirement and pension benefits after becoming a permanent resident of Canada. 

Despite that, the permanent resident can get various opportunities in this country with the express entry program. 

Benefits for employers 

Express entry also helps the labour storage system of Canadian employers. Under this system, employers can play a direct role in the employee recruitment process. Employers can get information with the expert entry profile of a candidate. Thus, the express entry candidate gets offers from different employers.

Moreover, an employer can support the worker’s application for working as a permanent resident, even if they are temporary workers with different job offers. 

Bottom line 

The system of Canadian express entry immigration program is a faster pathway for making your Canadian dream come true. If you want to move with this expert entry program we can serve you with the best guidance and support. Visit our website today to get more information. 


Three Undeniably Great Reasons Why Canada Is An Ideal Destination For Immigrants

Post by : Admin on Aug 09,2021

Three Undeniably Great Reasons Why Canada Is An Ideal Destination For Immigrants

Canada is way more than its exquisite landscapes, polar bears, and world-renowned poutine. It is one of the best alternatives for starting a new life for thousands of immigrants out there. Whether it’s about pursuing higher education or beginning a strong professional career, anything is achievable through the family sponsorship program in Canada. Still skeptical about moving to Canada? Here are three major reasons why Canada is an ideal destination for immigrants.

1.  Top-notch education system

No other industrialized nation spends on education per capita as Canada does. From McGill University to McMaster University, Canada houses some of the top-ranked universities in the world.

2.  10th largest economy in the world

With an output of $48,100 per capita, Canada has the 10th largest economy in the world. Even the manufacturing and oil industries have experienced steady annual growth over the past years.

3.  Blooming tech industry

Canada is associated with big technological brands such as Google's Sidewalk Labs, Shopify, Salesforce, etc. It has now also become an epicenter of game development and AI implementation.

Getting through the entire process of family sponsorship programs in Canada involves tons of paperwork and unnecessary hassle. That is where comes into play. Our immigration and legal experts streamline the process and make it 10X easier for you.

Immigration to Canada is expected to increase as the labour market improves and the economy recovers.

Post by : Admin on Jul 23,2021

Immigration to Canada is projected to surge in the second half of this year as the labour market recovers and severe COVID-19 public health regulations are loosened.

That is especially excellent news for people wanting to come to Canada under the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Federal Skilled Trades Program, or the provinces' economic and commercial class of programmes under the Provincial Nominee Programs.

The June Labour Force Survey, issued on Friday, June 9, provided the most recent encouraging indications for the Canadian economy.

“As economic limitations began to loosen throughout most of Canada, the labour market responded with robust job increases concentrated in areas where the constraints had been most punishing,” writes Liam Daly, an economist with the Conference Board of Canada.

According to the Canadian economic think tank, employment in Canada is presently within 1.8% of pre-pandemic levels.

Employment Rises By 230,000

“June's labour force survey revealed a labour market recovering, with total employment rising by 230,000,” Daley said. “The reopening of the economy happening across Canada shows that the labour market has reached an inflection point, moving past the third wave and into a phase of recovery highlighted by growing employment in some of the economy's hardest-hit areas, such as high-contact services.”

During the pandemic, stringent travel restrictions to stem the spread of COVID-19 led Canada's population growth rate to drop to a trickle, emphasising the country's reliance on immigration.

Statistics Canada issued population projections for the fourth quarter of 2020 in March of this year. They demonstrated the pandemic's significant influence on Canadian population growth by drop in immigration.

“After border and travel restrictions were implemented in March 2020 to combat the spread of COVID-19, this number dropped to 58%. In 2020, the population increase due to foreign migration was more than 80% lower than in 2019.”

According to Ottawa's current proposal, Canada will welcome almost 1.2 million migrants between 2021 and 2023, with 401,000 new permanent citizens arriving this year, 411,000 in 2022, and 421,000 in 2023.

Before  the coronavirus pandemic, the prior plan was for 351,000 deaths in 2021 and 361,000 deaths in 2022.

International Students Still Need 14-day Quarantine Plans

Post by : Admin on Jul 23,2021

After August 9, international students arriving in Canada will not be required to stay three nights in a government-designated "quarantine hotel," but they will still be required to have 14-day quarantine arrangements.

“The Government of Canada recognizes the tremendous social, cultural and economic benefits that international students bring to Canada and acknowledges that there are benefits for students who choose to study in Canada beyond earning a degree or diploma,” noted Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in a statement released Monday.

“As a result, during the epidemic, IRCC has worked to accommodate foreign students by implementing a number of temporary policy adjustments, including steps to assist international students studying online from other countries.”

When Ottawa declared on Monday that the border will reopen in three weeks, it also said that numerous public health restrictions would be lifted.

However, they do not take effect immediately, but rather on August 9th.

Unvaccinated travellers travelling to Canada must remain in a hotel for three nights while waiting for their COVID-19 results on arrival.

Express Entry: JULY 22, 2021 invitation

Post by : Admin on Jul 22,2021

On July 22, a total of 4,500 Express Entry applicants were invited to apply for Canadian permanent residency.

The Immigration Department of Canada welcomed individuals with a minimum score of 357. To be invited, candidates had to be eligible for the Canadian Experience Class (CEC). Furthermore, if they had the minimal score, they were only included if they had already submitted their profiles before February 14, 2021 at 09:04:15 UTC, as per the tie-break rule.

The last CEC invitation cycle had 4,500 applicants, with a cutoff score of 369. However, the previous CEC round had a cutoff of 357 as well. This draw has the second lowest score ever for a CEC draw. On February 13, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) welcomed CEC applicants with scores of at least 75.