Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Program 2024 intakes are to begin on 31st May 2024. Read to know if you are eligible.

Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Program 2024 Intakes

Post by : Admin on May 08,2024

The Canadian Government sends random invitations to various potential sponsors in a particular cycle, which is also known as an intake. This intake will begin on 31st May 2024 and the Government will send about 35,700 invitations in two weeks. The country expects to accept a maximum of 20,500 complete applications from the 2024 intake.

This is applicable to sponsors who have expressed their interest in sponsoring a family member. Particularly, candidates who have submitted their sponsorship form in 2020 have a higher chance of getting invitations in the 2024 intake. The processing time of applications varies depending on your situation in the current immigration scenario. Licensed immigration consultants, however, can make it easier for you to get through the application successfully. 

Who is a ‘Sponsor’ in Sponsorship Applications?

The sponsor is the one who takes full responsibility for the people they want to support in Canada. 

Let’s say you want your mother to come and stay with you in Canada. You have the means and intention to support her financially without burdening the Canadian Government. So, that makes you the sponsor for your mother for a specific period of time. That is applicable even if your financial situation changes within that period. 

You can become a sponsor after signing an undertaking and a sponsorship agreement. 

The undertaking is the proof that you commit to financially support the ones you want to sponsor for a specific time period. This is how you ensure that the ones you are sponsoring won’t resort to the Government for social help. You have to repay the amount if the family member receives assistance from the Government during that time. 

The sponsorship agreement reflects all responsibilities that you and your family members must attend to during the undertaking period. It lists the needs that the sponsor must meet for the family member they are sponsoring. Some common needs include food, shelter, clothing, medical, dental care, eye care and more. 

Are you Eligible to be a Sponsor?

You are eligible to sponsor your adopted or biological grandparents and parents if you:

  • Have the invitation to apply
  • Age over 18
  • Live in Canada
  • Have Canadian citizenship or permanent residence in Canada
  • Are registered as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act
  • Financially stable enough to support yourself and the ones you want to sponsor
  • Meet all requirements under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.  

Who you can Sponsor in Canada?

Here’s who you can sponsor in Canada:

  • Parents and grandparents related to you by birth or profession
  • Siblings, step-siblings, half-siblings or any other dependants of your parents and grandparents
  • Current spouse, conjugal or common-law partner of the parents and grandparents if they are divorced

Your parents and grandparents should provide all required complete forms and documents while submitting their application. Additional documents such as biometrics, police certificates and medical exams are also required. 

However, you are not allowed to sponsor your in-laws though you can be a co-signer on their application. Anyone who is not allowed to enter Canada is not eligible for this program. 

Have you Submitted an Interest to the Sponsor in 2020?

The 2024 intakes on the Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Program are applicable to those who submitted a sponsor form in 2020. 

Are you one of them?

In that case, you must have a confirmation number sent by the government. They have also sent an email with the number. Use it to determine if you have been invited to apply for the 2024 intake. 

Need help with the Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Application?

Immigration laws in Canada keep evolving to align with the country’s goals in the best way possible. In the case of the Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Program, you must stay aware of the eligibility criteria for being a sponsor or which family members you can sponsor. 

There are licensed immigration consultants who can guide you through the application smoothly. At Onkar Immigration, for instance, the professionals help eligible candidates sponsor their family members and bring them to Canada successfully.