Quebec caps sponsorship applications from 26th June 2024. It will accept 13000 applications for 2 years. Read this blog to know more.

Quebec Limits Sponsorship Applications to 13,000 for Two Years

Post by : Admin on Jul 16,2024

Quebec limits sponsorship applications for spouses, parents, and grandparents from 26th June 2024. There are, however, some exceptions to this new policy. MIFA will accept 13,000 applications from the said date for two years. Do you depend on sponsorship programs to reunite with your family or friends in Quebec? Well, in that case, this change in the number of sponsorship applications to be accepted till 2026 will affect your decision-making. So, let’s dig a little deeper into this new policy so you can make the best out of it.

Quebec Sponsorship Applications Cap Overview

Below are the types of sponsorship applications eligible for the change along with their respective limits.

  • Spouses, dependent children (18 years or above) and common-law spouses- 10,400
  • Grandparents, parents and other eligible relatives- 2600

Are there any exceptions to the capping?

Yes, the following candidates are exempted from the new capping policy.

  • An adult child of the sponsor who is dependent on a parent because of a disability
  • A minor child who is dependent on the sponsor
  • An orphaned minor child related to the sponsor
  • A minor child who the sponsor wants to adopt

The above-mentioned candidates, however, are not eligible if they are in a common-law relationship or married.

Applications that grant admission to the sponsored person’s dependent are also exempted from the capping. It can be a dependent spouse, common-law partner, or child. But, they should be eligible for coverage and waiting for the approval of their permanent residency in Canada.


What is the Current Processing Times of Quebec’s Sponsorship Applications?

It takes around 28-34 months for Quebec’s sponsorship applications to be processed completely. Other applications usually take around 10 months.

Check out the current processing time of family sponsorship applications.


Type of Application

Current Processing Time

Common-law partner or spouse lives outside of Canada or intends to

10 months

Common-law partner or spouse lives outside of Canada but intends to stay in Quebec

34 months

Common-law partner or spouse lives inside Canada but intends to stay outside of Quebec

10 months

Common-law partner or spouse lives inside Canada and intends to stay in Quebec.

28 months

Parents or Grandparents PR (intends to live outside Quebec)

24 months

Parents or Grandparents PR (intends to stay in Quebec)

48 months



What Does the Limit Expire?

The cap on the sponsorship applications ends on 25th June 2026. The capping is for two years starting from 26th June 2024.

What Happens When Quebec Sponsorship Applications Reach Its Limits?

The MIFI will accept 13000 applications. Let’s say they achieve this number before the two-year frame. In that case, they will return the further applications without collecting the application fee or even processing them.

Why has Quebec Set a Cap on Sponsorship Applications?

Quebec has set a cap on the number of sponsorship applications for two years to promote sustainable population growth. Quebec has set specific yearly immigration levels for 2024 and 2025. It wants to ensure that the number of family class applications aligns with their immigration levels.

Can I Still Submit my Sponsorship Applications?

You can submit your application as long as Quebec hasn’t reached its cap of 13000 applications.

What if they Return my Application?

If your application is returned, that means Quebec has reached its limit. You can use other Canadian immigration pathways or wait for a new cap on Quebec’s sponsorship applications.